Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Singing - Sa Ra Ga Ma Pa Da Ne Sa

You train your EYES to see Color such as Red, Blue, Green etc

Similarly you train your EARS to listen to sounds like Sa Ra Ga MA PA Da Ni Sa

How do you know Red  is Red and not Green? Because that is what was taught to you and it was stored in your brain /memory

Similarly, when you hear Sa or Pa you can tell the difference because what was stored in your brain/memory! 

Brain: Sa Ra Ga MA PA Da Ni Sa


Eyes: Red blue gree

Stores Information

Reinforcement  S R G M;  S R A G R M; M S G R P, R S G R M G G S

Identification (brain mapping to what is stores)

identify sound of a given swara    1, 2 3 4 together etc

Identitying a swara of a given sound

for each plan notes

Multii Ragas


Gamakas & Brighas

Faster Phrases

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