Thursday, March 2, 2023

Making a YouTube Video

 Making a YouTube Video


Always set shutter speed, Aperture and then ISO in the same sequence

a. Resolution = 1080p or 4K (editing can lower the resolution)

b. Frame Rate (Frames per Seconds) = default is 30FPM - use 24 Frame per second for cinematic look) 

c, Bitrate (Quality Caption of each frame) Mega Bits per second, 100MB/Second

d. 1. Shutter Speed= exposure, frame rate dictate shutter speed - shutter speed is twice what frame Rate is - Example if Frame rate is 25 then shutter speed 50 or 

25FPS = 1/50 Shutter speed. - Europe

30FPS = 1/60 Shutter speed. - US

24FPS = 1/48 or 1/50 Shutter speed.

e. 2. Aperture - or F-Stop (Lower Number = More light; Higher Number = Less Light) F2.8 or F1.4 more light but blurry background

 f. 3. ISO (exposure triangle ISO. Shutter speed, Aperture Setting) The exposure of shot or brightness (lower number darker shot, higher brighter shot- can introduce noise and pixilation in shot)  320, but 800 -1600 range is good beyond that is problems. Use ND Filter if too bright

g, White Balance - Temperature  (cloudy day, sunny day, indoor, outdoor etc) camera preset (kelvin )

Audio Level

Manual Setting

Auto Setting


  1. What is the Content
  2. What is the Purpose
  3. What is your Audience 
  4. Your take / Your explanation

Don start with a blank page 

Get raid of umm 

Use some edit out

Power point 

Sound - 

Use your classword voice 

Use Visualizer (lighting Natural light is the best)

use props or images

Make it power point 

First record your presentation 

just as you would in teh classword

make sure mic is on .. .. you can have the camera on or off

practice and record each slide.

export presentation as a video

How To Create A Perfect Whiteboard 

1. Scriptwriting

    - Short and impactful

    - 150words =1 minute

2. Record your voice over

   - Good quality microphone

   - sound proof Room

   - Expressive and upbeat tone

3. Storyboarding (Production process)

   - Lots of on-line templates


4. Create your illistration 

  - Adobe Illistrator or Inkskape

5. Anamitate

6. Voiceover and Sound Effects

   - Sound of background music MUST NOT over power 

8. Thumbnail and Video Activation
